#Data-driven #DataVisualization #Mapping #Emotion #Ambience

Street Life Map

; Adding an emotion layer on the urban area

Harvard Graduate School of Design | 2019
Advisor: David Malan (CS50)
CY Chang, Shikun Zhu
1 month
Ideation, research, data collection, implementation
Mapbox API(JavaScript), Urban Network Analysis(Rhino)
︎ Interactive Prototype

> How might we improve the urban experience for the people who barely know the area? 

| Problem | 
Visitors, travelers, or newcomers often have a hard time understanding the neighborhood’s ambience just as looking at the maps.

| Goal |
Encouraging people to explore the city and improve their urban experience 

>> A new way of visualizing urban street ambience by measuring the intensity of social activities that may happen on the streets

How it works

| Accessibility to Scores |

The scores are calculated based on certain types of geospatial point (POI) data
e.g., catering, leisure, shop, and tree cover ratio

| Scores to Line Weight |

Each street’s scores are normalized and converted to line weights to represent the intensity.


︎ Interactive Prototype

copyright. Eunsu Kim | 2022